When I was a kid....
Many years ago when I was a kid we used try and try to see if the light on the fridge really did go out when you shut the door. You never really knew did you? You just accepted that it made sense that it did go out but....you never got the chance to actually see it happen. its like the tree in the middle of a forest. If the tree died and collapsed would it make a noise if no one was there? Of course it would, you know it would and so you accept it. But, does it? Obviously you will never know....
So....back to the fridge...
You'd stoop down in front of the door and carefully....oh so slowly....move the door a fraction at a time to see the exact point when the light went out. BUT IT NEVER DID!!
Why is that? Is it a conspiracy, is it design or, is it just a childish thing that you do when young?
Well no, actually I don't think it is!
Hands up all the adults who have either had a new fridge or perhaps had a new kitchen and hence a fridge.
Ok put them back down again...
You know that feeling when you have something new...you just have to have a play don't you. You touch it, wiggle it, tap it, open /close it, lift it, put it down or whatever, until finally, you are sort of satisfied. And then...you do it again!
Well we had a new kitchen and hence a new fridge a few years ago and I distinctly remember opening and closing the door, like any normal 50 year old kid would, just to see if I could see the light go out. Obviously, as I am now much older and less childish, I only did it once or twice (about 36 times actually) before I got bored. And yes...still I could not see the bloody light go out!
Now, I know you are in two camps here. Some of you will no doubt think..."what a nutter"...but when the rest of you have got back from testing your fridges, and it works on some freezers too, I am sure that most of you will side with me on this important piece of "Mundanery".
So, imagine my surprise today when having acquired a "new" fridge for the office at school yesterday, I was absolutely overcome with emulsion to find out that if you close this fridge door slowly...you can actually see the light go out! RESULT!!
When I think of all the fridge doors I have opened in 52 1/4 years....this is the only one that I have ever seen that does that!
Well I never....
Back to the grindstone then...plenty to do, lots to see...
Have a good bank holiday weekend all...
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