Last friday, knackered from returning from Cologne in the early hours of that morning, see my earlier blog, I got the chance to go and see just about the worlds funniest Au

Kevin "Bloody" Wilson.
Jeez, this man is like a breath of fresh air to comedy.
He tells anecdotes from his life in the Bush in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, that always have a rude inuendo (or twelve) contained within. These inevitably lead to a song that Kev has either written or in the case of some songs..."De-composed"
De- composed? Well he takes a well known song and by the simple substition of a word or two changes the meaning of the whole song!
E.G. I saw mommy kissing santa claus...becomes I saw mommy s*cking Santa Claus!
Get the drift? Thought so and so did the 200 plus crowd at Dudley Town hall the other night.
This is the third time I have seen Kev and other than the fact that the acoustics in the town hall are crap, I have previously seen him at the Princess theatre cannock, the show was excellent.
All the old favourites were to be heard including, and I kid you not,
"The Local Coppers a ****!" "Hello Operator", "Manuel the Bandito", "D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.!" and the classic "Can't say **** in Canada!"
Now I don't advocate such profanity usually, in fact quite the opposite. But, you do have to be there to see Kev and get the whole thing put into context so to speak to make it all click into place and become genuinely hilarious. Go and see him you know it makes sense!
Finally, to those of you who think its all in bad taste I only have one thing to say..."D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.!" To coin a Kev phrase...
Moriarty the mundane...
p.s. A link to Kevs site, checkout Kev FM and for those bemused by just what does "D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.!" mean, a link to a "youtube video" I have found.
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