Hoosemairtes....who?I've got this old school mate see. Duncan, Duncan Disorderley.
I know, its an old joke but you haven't met him. Dunc is a character, his mother was a character and probably someone related to them was a character too. But Duncan is...well special!
He can pick up his guitar and turn a barbie or a party in to a major social gathering full of merriment and music. I kid you not!
Dunc got me into playing guitar back in about 1973/4. I quickly became better then him but thats where it all went wrong. I peaked about 1976 in that glorious hot summer we older ones all talk about. Dunc peaked about....well, now really!
He has started his own guitar shop a few years ago, has taught guitar for a number of years quite successfully, but, its his playing. The bar steward has only gone and become good. I mean...well, bloody brilliant really.
I lost touch with Dunc for about 20 years, we all get married and move around abit and Dunc ended up in sunny Leictershire way and I ended up in Sunny Wombourne. Then one christmas break, I recieved an email via that wonderful website, Friends reunited.
The gist of the mail was, er..."hello tall hairy lanky ba*t*rd, short fat f*cker here. Ring this number.
Sitting there, puzzling over who it could be, I quickly new this person really knew me, as, I was a tall hairy lanky person many years ago in the seventies. I'm still tall, not so hairy now and I like to think I am lanky but I guess portly is a more apt description.
Having worked in Leicester for a while I guessed the code was a Leicestershire area number, but, who?
This person was, or is, now smaller than me from his description, thought he was fatter than me (still is...just) and obviously has a sense of humour.
Well I picked up the phone and dialled. There was only one person it could be and that was one Mr Duncan Keith!
The rest as they say is now history.
We quickly met up, I met his wife Mandy and three georgoeous daughters and we just took off from where we left off and all is good. A RESULT!
The little sh*t is now, as I said, a bloody good guitarist and I am not. He is in a number of all different styles of band, I'm not in any. But it gets worse....I get him sodding bookings to show him off to people!
You need to check out the current band, The Hoosemairtes. Yes its a crappily spelled name, no one can pronounce it right and I dont know anyone who tells you they like Irish Folk.
Untill that is they see this band.
Dunc, Dave and there current drummer Nige, (he's quietly good is Nige) can, in an evening, turn even the hardest rocker, the funkiest funkster and the bluesiest ...well you get the picture, person into an Irish stylee folkist.
They mix up Blues, Rock, Folk and Funk throw in some acoustic and some electric stuff, make your ears bleed with raucous slide guitar and then send you home quietly chuffed at how good a night it has been.
Dunc...hats off to you mate, I love yah!
So...how do you get to see him and the band?
Easy, book him, details on their website,
http://www.hoosemairtes.co.uk/or if you go to Youtube...
http://www.youtube.com/ type in very carefully.... hoosemairtes.
Oh sod it! You'll probably spell it wrong so click on the links below!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jB3XQ9dzWwhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f26X7YGrYXMhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2980AkpYZYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf3-l5D1wdgSit back, watch, listen and enjoy...
Moriarty the mundane...