Friday, September 30, 2011

I haven't blogged in over two years to this blog...why?!!?

Well, personal family problems have took over a lot of my time as the Mother in Law had a stroke. She is now quite poorly in a nursing home and it takes up a lot of family time.

Why else?

I found twitter and thought it was a bit crap to be blunt. I found Facebook which I embraced as fully as I could but even that has gone a bit "pants" now that they have changed the format somewhat. But I will no doubt get used to it! However, the single biggest reason was I started a work based blog about my old secondary school and current place of work which put this on the back burner so to speak!

The school is undergoing a major change in its appearance and function under the auspices of BSF (Building Schools for the Future) a government inspired/funded initiative to rebuild all the countries schools...sadly now stopped but for those in progress like ours.
The old School being refurbished
Have a quick look:

Speak again soon...