Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Well they are back.....
Well you just might ask....the Ugly buggers are back thats who!
Billing Aquadrome in Northampton was the venue and the third Ugly Bug Ball....oh, and the rain. Lots of it. Bloody bucketed it down all weekend.
So who are the Ugly Buggers and what is the Ugly Bug ball?
The combined efforts of a few, possibly mad, anorakish types, who form the Multipla Owners Club of Great Britain. now you know!
Don't stop reading...its not time to switch off just yet. Basically its a meet like a Beetle bash for Multi owners or Multimates to get together do some chatting and drinking, test there driving skills and chew the fat over their Ugly, sorry, Multipla's and make some money for there chosen charity. Not so much this time as in previous years as the aforementioned deluge that hit Northampton all weeekend invariably kept a load of people away.
Some thirty odd, as opposed to sixty odd, turned up and eventually had a great time.
For those interested take a butchers on the owners website maintained by Oddbod, but who else, and if you own a Multi check out the yahoo forum from the main page and find out loads of tips hints, quirks and foibles that abound these veritable Tardis's (is that tardii) made by the men at Fix It Again Tomorrow.

Speak to you all about something else a little mundane soon....
Moriarty the mundane...

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